silhouettes |
Swimming 2017, 146 x 215 cm, silhouette, card, Indian ink |
Childhood 2016, 255 x 215 cm, silhouette, card, Indian ink |
Forest 2011, 3,5 x 6 m, sihouette, cardboard, Indian ink private collection |
Herzfarn 2011, 3 x 3,5 m, silhouette, cardboard, Indian ink gallery of the city of Salzburg |
Gap 2011, 3,5 x 4 m, sihouette, cardboard, Indian ink gallery Lang, Vienna |
La chasse 2009, 9m x 2,7 m, Detail, Scherenschnitt, Tusche, Karton, Kubinhaus Zwickledt, O.Ö. |